Colibri Can Help You!
New development strategies are needed in today's rapidly evolving high-tech world. Success relies in a way never seen before on team efforts that span over many technological areas.
Colibri's technical and scientific expertise and experience combined with our way of approaching challenges could be the key to give your team overcritical mass.
We focus on multi-disciplinary feasibility studies, failure analyses, and technical and scientific support, in areas where non-standard solutions and detective work often are needed. Key strengths include being a pathfinder, troubleshooter and mentor in engineering physics
We aim for an informal and goal oriented way of approaching tasks based on business mottos such as:
- Decentralized Competence − Increase our clients' competence
- Creating Possibilities − Catalyze new and stimulate on-going activities
- Creative Curiosity − Look for shortcuts and improvements
- Diagnostician − Create understanding
Our clients range from well-established large companies to small high-tech start-up companies. We have helped clients in four continents.
Most projects are covered by strict non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). We take pride in respecting these. Colibri's involvement has in some cases required ITAR approval from the U.S. Department of State.