Contact info
Can we help you?
If you wish to get in touch with us to check if we can help you, please use our postal address (Colibri Pro Development HB, Torgnyvägen 48, SE-187 76 Täby, Sweden) or our e-address .
Are you a sales person?
If you wish to contact us to sell services, products, etc., please note that Colibri's focus areas means that we in most cases are not a potential customer of yours. We have had a few very bad experiences with sales people and we therefore now have a strict company policy to avoid companies and organizations that send us unsolicited advertisements, announcements, etc., via e-mail, regular mail, phone, etc.
We hope for your understanding.
Phone and E-mail
As a way of reducing time spent on spam and due to the bad experiences with sales people we have been forced to close our main e-address and to not publish our phone number on our website. We wish to spend our time on creative work for our customers instead of on politely saying no to sales people.
We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.